
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Skip And Jump To Get Excellent Health

Ubqari Magazine - August 2015

(Muhammad Salman, Abu Dhabi)

"It is not necessary that you skip rope with great expertise and only then it will be beneficial. Rather, in whatever way you skip rope, it will be useful, not only does it make your organs strong but it also improves the interconnectedness of the organs and a person becomes more active"

SKIP ROPE FOR GOOD HEALTH:Skipping rope is not only an interesting hobby but it is also an excellent aerobic exercise. According to experts, skipping rope is a form of exercise in which all parts of the body move together in unison and all parts of the body get equal chance to get exercised. By skipping rope, the body remains active and the bones remain strong. According to an analysis, skipping rope for a few minutes daily is the best way in which women can protect themselves from brittle bones and to stay healthy. According to recent research carried out by Nottingham University, women who skipped rope 50 times daily for a duration of six months, their hip bone density increased by 3 to 4 percent, while on the other hand similarly strong effects were not experienced by persons who walked or jogged. However, the benefits of skipping rope will be attainable only when you skip with both the feet together. Skipping rope is also a good exercise for the heart but heart patients should consult their physician before starting this exercise. After some studies it has also been observed that skipping rope burns more fat and calories as compared to other aerobic exercises. However in the start skipping should be done slowly and for shorter time duration. Later on the speed should be increased gradually. Since children are also interested in skipping rope, hence in this way parents can make their children interested in exercise in this way.

Indeed skipping rope neither is a best exercise for all members of the household for which we neither need special measures to be taken nor needs money to be spent.

It is quite possible that you might have skipped rope in your childhood. In our society although this was a game for girls, but sometimes boys also used to skip rope along with their sisters. Now this game has almost been discontinued, but in many Western countries, now it is being treated as a form of exercise instead of a game. In the decade of 1980s, an American footballer was advised that he skip rope for 15 minutes daily in order to have good health and to stay active. This exercise benefitted that footballer a lot .One expert told that by skipping rope fast, the arteries behind the lower part of leg and the knee become stronger , while  skipping rope freestyle, is beneficial for the entire body especially chest, shoulders and arms.

It is not necessary that you skip rope with great expertise and only then it will be beneficial. Rather, in whatever way you skip rope, it will be useful. Not only does it make your organs strong but it also improves the interconnectedness of the organs and a person becomes more active. It has also been claimed that skipping rope burns more calories than jogging, aerobic exercise and football.

Some experts include skipping rope in exercise programs. They say that this exercise is excellent for heart rate and it reduces fat. People do not have an idea how hard this exercises it but it is true that it is beneficial and exercises the body well. The British heart foundation has accepted the importance of this exercise stating that skipping rope is a very beneficial exercise for the heart. Furthermore, it also makes the bone density stronger and the weight remains in control.


As compared to men, the knees of women are eight times weaker. This weakness is especially pronounced due to splitting of the cartilage in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament for which operation and physiotherapy for one year is also needed. Skipping rope also protects from this and it makes the ligaments of the knees strong and in this way their capability of bearing jerks and weight increases.

* While revolving the rope, jump as much that the rope is able to pass under your feet.

*Don’t try to land on your ankles on the feet in a bid to prevent pressure on toes.

*In this duration don’t bend your body rather keep your body straight.

*Bend your arms in such a way that the elbow is near your body and don’t spread your arms too much. Revolve the rope in this state.

*To measure the correct length of rope, rake a rope and press it under your feet from its center and in this state the two ends of the rope should be under your armpits.

*In the beginning you should keep speed and duration of skipping less and then gradually start increasing the speed and the duration. It is not necessary that you jump very high in this duration. Jumping for an inch or two above the ground is also enough. In the beginning jump 4 5 times, then you should aim to skip for continuous 30 seconds and rest one minute. Repeat this whole process 5 times. Then gradually increase the skipping duration of 30 seconds to one minute and then two minutes and then after a few weeks increase it to three minutes provided that you have that much stamina. In Western countries skipping rope is taught properly in clubs and different ways and methods are taught for skipping rope. For people who do not have these facilities available it is suitable for them that they try to skip rope in a simple manner and not try to strain them too much.

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